

At Fabrique [the company I work for] I’m working on a project called FabLabs.
Fab[rique]Lab[oratorie]s is create to build stuff which is technically chalanging, could have commercial use but (for now) are no paying clients for.

My project is a webcam navigation using the Flash plugin. When this project is finish we will be able to navigate without a mouse or keyboard using only a webcam and the Flash plugin.
We are also looking at Red 5 so we can also use the webcam for recording video. It’s a very exciting project which I started in my spare time and I’m very glad that I get the opportunity to finish this project for Fabrique.

It’s still very much “work in progress” but I’ve made a FLV file where u can see me…. and the methode of activation.

I started with a proof of concept, and I think its from protozoo but to be honest I’m not 100 percent sure.