Never heared of it… That because it self-proclaimed.
And I’m one of the people who will do the self-proclaiming.
I have written about it, showed you images/photos and now there is a special day for it!
Papertoy Monsters:
Make Your Very Own Amazing Papertoys!
The papertoy book I have designed two monsters for published by Workman Publishing (strangly enough you can’t buy the book at Workman anymore).
If you want to buy the book visit and buy a couple of copies!!!.
Here a little quote by Workman:
A breakthrough paper-folding book for kids—paper airplanes meet Origami meets Pokemon. Papertoys, the Internet phenomenon that’s hot among graphic designers and illustrators around the world, now comes to kids in the coolest new book. Created and curated by Brian Castleforte, a graphic designer and papertoy pioneer who rounded up 25 of the hottest papertoy designers from around the world (Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Italy, Croatia, Chile, even Jackson, Tennessee), Papertoy Monsters offers 50 fiendishly original die-cut designs that are ready to pop out, fold, and glue. The book interleaves card stock with paper stock for a unique craft package; the graphics are colorful and hip, combining the edginess of anime with the goofy fun of Uglydolls and other collectibles. Plus each character comes with its own back-story.
I’m proud to present the monsters I have designed:
Scorpion Robot
Squidbeak (formely know as ‘Octobeak’)
You won’t find a lot of images of these Monster papertoys around on the Internet, I’m not sure but I think my paper models are rated advanced.
Although you can see a part of the page where Squidbeak is at (check the first page of the book you see).
Here a promo of the author Castleforte:
The Papertoy Monster book has also a so check that out for more pictures of the monsters. And follow it with twitter:
Here all the other monsters that you can build:
3 replies on “Papertoy Monster Day”
[…] is ‘Squidbeak’ – he was discovered for the book by Matthijs Kamstra (aka […]
This is amazing! I do hope I could get my hands to this book 😀
hey Matthijs,
Dikke toys hoor. Ik vroeg mij af of je mij een mailtje kan sturen om eens te praten over een eventuele samenwerking met het bedrijfje waar ik voor werk.