Misc Open source / Freeware

Wp-slimstat gives a fatal error

Update #1: I forgot to explain what wp-slimstat is. Wp-slimstat is a simple web statistic wordpress plugin, which means you can see how many visits you get and from where/how many/etc. But the good part is that you can see it when you login there will be an extra tab on the Dashboard to the statistics “Slimstat”.

Update #2: RTFM ….. in the README.txt (chapter 8. LOCALIZATION) there is an explanation about this “fatal error”

make sure you have set your blog’s default language in wp-config.php,
e.g. : “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’ );â€? and that the corresponding
localization file exists in wp/slimstat/lang folder.

I found my error on the support forum… the solution I describe here still works.

Today I tried to install wp-slimstat and all I got:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: cachedfilereader in [snipped]/wp-includes/wp-l10n.php on line 67

I could not find the answer to this problem on the site of the creator of this wp-plugin but it seems that all wordpress-2.0.4-users have this problem!
So I try good old google …. and found the answer..

try open wp-config.php or wp-config-sample.php
edit this lines:
define ('WPLANG', '');
define ('WPLANG', ' ');

And now I have wp-slimstat, so I know what you did last hour!


Logo design [mck]

I’m still busy creating a new look for this blog.
But I’ve finished my logo (well at least the shape of it)
[mck] logo version 2
And if you compare it with my previous post you will see that there isn’t al lot of change in the design.
As I said before: I wasn’t satisfied with the “m”. And all it took to change that was a little triangle…


Started on my wp design

I’ve been working on my wp design. And one of the first things I had to do is create a new logo!
So here it is: the first version of my new “logo”
mck logo version 1

I’m very happy with the “c” and “k”. The “m” is always difficult and I am not entirely happy with it.
But for now it wil do.


Todo: create my own design for wp-blog

I’ve used the wp-theme Blix for a while now and I’m running into some problems with this theme. And the most obvious is the navigation bar at the top.

So here is a wishlist of things I want to change and create in my own theme:

  1. login on the right side >> now I have to go to the bottom of the page for a login
  2. categories and sub categories are not visible
  3. navigation bar on the top with submenu
  4. more distinct difference between title and H2 t/m H6 tags
  5. IMG need some space around it
  6. popup javascript for big pictures and flash
  7. navigation in one line >> it seems that blix is designed for little navigation
  8. RSS with RSS icon (feedicons)
  9. Design of blog less “bloggie”, create more space / white
  10. add “polymath zapper” to blog
  11. create logo “[mck]”
  12. date of post more visible