Yes, its time, I need to…
So how to make the transition from FlashDevelop to FDT as easy as possible?
Let FDT react like FlashDevelop
And I don’t even have to break a sweat: the amazing Steven Sacks (creator of Gaia) wrote an article about it: read here.
The only two thing that I’m using are:
Open Window > Preferences
Under FDT > Editor > Code Assist copy and paste this into Auto activation triggers for AS, and set the delay to 0ms (zero).
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_. :
Under Problems > AS3 Problems:
Unresolvable > Unresolvable variable reference in E4X and Unresolvable member reference in dynamic object should both be set to Disabled (from Warning to Disabled).
The shortcuts I just left them as they where: I’m working in another program so I should use the shortcut given by that program.
short explanation (so I can do this quickly if something happens to FDT):
Under Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching at the bottom at Launch Operation: Select “Always launch the previously launched application”
Under Preferences > General > Keys find (or type in “type filter text” – searchbox: “last”) a command called “Run Last Launched” and click Copy Command. Assign (binding) the shortcut CTRL-ENTER to the copied command and change “when” to Editing ActionScipt Source (no spelling mistake: it really says that) Editing ActionScript Source.
Do the same thing for the “Debug Last Launched” command and assign the shortcut : CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER and change the when to Editing ActionScipt Source.
I’m not sure if the stuff I wrote here is only for FDT4 but the way it was explained on the site previous mentioned didn’t work in FDT4
Some templates/snippets that are very useful
I used this plugin for my trace in FlashDevelop, so how to do this in FDT?
Some minor adjustments like:
Preferences > FDT > Build Path change Source folders to “source” (I like source above src) and Output folder to “deploy” (I like deploy above bin)
Preferences > FDT > Code Style > Code Templates (Misc) to “Override System UserName – ${user}”
Preferences > FDT > Editor goto “Folding” and uncheck “Folding enabled” (I like to see everything, comment also)
Preferences > FDT > Tools > Flash/Flash Help to add paths to Flash (in my case: “H:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\Flash.exe”) and the Flash help files (in my case: “H:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\en\First Run\HelpPanel\Help”)
Preferences > General > Web Browser change to “Use external Web browser” to my favourite browser: Firefox (no Google Chrome there yet)
You can add any browser that you want.
You have to create a code-template/code-snippet:
go to Preferences > FDT > Editor > Templates
This is a template that resembles the trace I used in FlashDevelop
trace ( "+ ${enclosing_type}.${enclosing_method}() - args: " + [ ${enclosing_method_arguments} ] );
and I found some other useful templates
Public method:
public function ${methodName}():${type} { trace(">> ${enclosing_type}.${methodName}() args: "+[]); ${cursor} };
for some strange reason there is no shortcut for asdoc š
/** * ${cursor} * @example * @param ${enclosing_method_arguments} * @return */ */
a switch a use a lot with FlashDevelop:
switch (${value}) { case ${result}: trace ("${result}" +${result} ); ${cursor} break; default: trace("case '"+${value}+"':\r\ttrace ('--- "+${value}+"');\r\tbreak;" ); }
and the template for a singleton
Singleton: (from gskinner)
package ${enclosing_package} { /** * @author ${user} */ public class ${enclosing_type} { private static var _instance:${enclosing_type}; private static var _allowInstantiation:Boolean; public static function getInstance():${enclosing_type} { if (_instance == null) { _allowInstantiation = true; _instance = new ${enclosing_type}(); _allowInstantiation = false; } return _instance; } public function ${enclosing_type}():void { if (!_allowInstantiation) { throw new Error("Error: Instantiation failed: Use ${enclosing_type}.getInstance() instead of new."); } } ${cursor} } // end class } // end package
enough for now, here some other posts about the subject
5 replies on “Moving from FlashDevelop to FDT”
[…] love FlashDevelop but moved to FDT (read my other post about this subject)… Not an easy thing (the biggest problem is that it totally not intuitive ) to do and […]
[…] started to work with FDT and wrote about my “troubles” (post#1 and post#2) with my transition from FlashDevelop. (have to be very carefull what I say: […]
I’m migrating to FDT from FlashDevelop since FD isn’t natively supported on the Mac. Great article, thanks!
One other issue I’m having:
How do you migrate FD projects over into FDT projects?
It seems like creating a new project isnāt what I want because it tries to make new folders and/or files, but everything was already created and I donāt want anything new made. I tried āimportingā a preexisting project, but it seemed to be looking for an FDT project file which I donāt have since this project was made by FlashDevelop.
Any suggestions?
There is no way to migrate existing FlashDevelop projects. The best thing you can do is, start a new (flash) project and instead create a new folder, browse to the folder with the FlashDevelop project.
[…] wrote something similar when I moved from PC (FlashDevelop) to OSX (FDT) (read my post: moving-from-flashdevelop-to-fdt/). Which also was a reminder when I needed to reinstall or explain it to a […]