This is my first of my monthly “big” – post (read more about the changes I will make this year).
I had this lying around for some time (made it before Christmas), but didn’t take the time to finish it.
For the first time I had a WIP test builder (Jason Bolt) and that helped a lot.
Especially because I had some pressure to finish it!!
And as promised it will be down-loadable; I present:
Brummble is a papertoy tribute to the awesome vinyl from ThreeA: Heavy Bramble.
I wanted to see how fast I could “papertoy” a vinyl (about 3 nights (3*4hours) and some extra hours for ‘bugfixing some ‘lite’ instructions and photos). The instructions are very minimal, so some it’s not a beginners project. You will need 5 pages, my advice is to use 120/160 gram paper (heavier than the usual printing-/copy-paper). It will take about 4 hours to cut out and build.
Blank template
Not a print this time? No I don’t think it needs more, but you may always surprise me with a custom!
5 pages
Yes it’s not a small papertoy, but the result will be very close to the original!
and show me/the world the pictures!!
The .ZIP file contains a .PDF
(You can use freeware like FilZip or 7zip to extract a .ZIP-file and read a .PDF with Acrobat or Foxit)
11 replies on “Tribute to Heavy Bramble: papertoy Brummble”
[…] 2011 vs 2012 Update #1: I joint a gym to learn how to KickBoxing and Muay Thai! Here is the link to the site: (little warning: this website is not a beauty) Update #2: Brummble the papertoy tribute to ThreeA vinyl: Heavy Bramble is online and ready for downloading: here […]
[…] Toys, the Heavy Bramble – based on the World War Robot series designed by Ashley Wood. Heavy Bramble Papercraft / Brummble Paper Toy […]
[…] You can download this robot papercraft from here:Â Heavy Bramble robot papercraft free download Category: Robots Tags: Bramble, Robot […]
This is really awesome. I’m certainly gonnna do it in the weekend. What kind of glue do you recommend? will stick glue work?
[…] Robot* fans who want a Heavy Bramble and have some craft skills will want to take a look at this Paper Brummble that’s available to download free from Matthijs Kamstra (website, Twitter). You’ll have […]
[…] Brummble es este papertoy basado en el Heavy Bramble, con la cual Matthijs Kamstra rinde tributo a una de las mejores piezas de ThreeA, el archivo consta de 5 páginas mismas que se recomienda imprimir en papel de 120 a 160 grs. para un mejor manejo, esta es una versión en blanco todavÃa no existe un custom como tal, por lo tanto si se animan podrán personalizar uno y si quieren compartirlo aquà lo estaremos posteando. La descarga la encuentran aquÃ. […]
[…] L’idée initiale de [mck] était de voir à quelle vitesse il pouvait adapter un art toy en vinyl au matériau papier… Et bien la réponse est environ une bonne quinzaine d’heures, réparties en 3 nuits… Les instructions sont plutôt minimalistes car ce papertoy (dont le template s’étale sur 5 pages) n’est clairement pas fait pour les débutants… Il faudra environ 4 heures aux initiés pour le découper et l’assembler (à moins d’avoir un matos de guerrier ^^). Les plus courageux pourront donc télécharger le patron en cliquant sur l’image qui suit, ou directement depuis le site de [mck]. […]
I just finished this model! Took me a few days at work, but I really enjoyed building it. Thanks for the free model!
Progress pictures here:
[…] can download this paper toy from here: ThreeA: Heavy Bramble Mk 2.5 Free Papercraft DownloadFor this paper model, we recommend that you use the material (Paper, Paint, Glue, etc.) to make. […]
[…] Â… […]
Hi, i was just wondering what scale is the papercraft? is it comparable to the 1/6 or 1/12 scale bramble?