Grumm Urban papercraft

Zombie Grumm at Thunder Panda

One of my inspiration to create Grumm was Sjors Trimbach with Brickboy. Back then I visited his site weekly and after a while I noticed that there were no more updates of new Brickboys.
Some time later I found Brickboys creations on sites of designers who had created a custom Brickboy. Sjors wrote about it (can’t find that article anymore) saying that he was too busy, and that designers started taking matter into there own hands, that the designers couldn’t wait any longer and publishing there own Brickboys on there own sites…. (if I remember the article correctly, Sjors didn’t mind…)

When I red this, I couldn’t image that happening to me…..
Well for everything there is a first time: I’m too busy, and don’t have enough time to put everything on my site and Eric Wiryanata’s took maters in his own hands.
Can’t blame him…

But it’s a nice version of Grumm and in time I will put him on my site:

Visit Zombie Grumm at Thunder Panda and there is a download link over there.

Design Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Jins Studio22

This is a strange entry in the Urban papercraft series:
jins studio22cool pet rangeland paper model and toy design

I normally would write about this project: you can adopt a papermodel for the right amount of cash. Especially the fact that you have to pay for a papermodel is something that I don’t like, but there is are free models, and a blank version…

Here is the free version in the download section

Here the examples:
JeansPumpkinSkeleton ASkeleton BXMas AXMas BXMas CSakura
and my personal favorite Nian:

and of course a blank template named P.I.Y.:



AS3 Flash Open source / Freeware

Lite components from BIT-101: Minimalcomps

Update #1: there has been another update New MinimalComp: WheelNav, but I’m pretty sure I won’t been using this one very much…

I’m using this for some time now, and it’s time to share this with you all: Minimalcomps from BIT-101.

This lite-weight components set is great, I can see what the code is doing, it’s easy to use and its simplicity is beautiful (and I love pixel font in Flash, I should use it more).

Minimal ActionScript 3.0 code only UI components

Do you need some reading material? Some documentation and introduction can be found on Keith Peters (BIT-101) site: read the first post about the Minimalcomps.

But in short:
This are some of the examples (since the first post there are some new components created, but they are not as frequently used as this set);

[swf], 500, 500[/swf]

For lazy readers (and a reminder for myself: the site of BIT-101 doesn’t have a very useful search, and the google code page doesn’t have documentation), here some code to create what you see above not entirely true, but I will keep the code here:
[as collapse=”true”]
var panel:Panel = new Panel(this, stage.stageWidth / 4, stage.stageHeight / 8);
panel.setSize(stage.stageWidth / 2, stage.stageHeight * 3 / 4);

var checkBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox(panel, 20, 20);
checkBox.label = "Check it out!";

var label:Label = new Label(panel, 20, 40);
label.text = "This is a label";

var pushbutton:PushButton = new PushButton(panel, 20, 60);
pushbutton.label = "Push Me!";
pushbutton.width = 100;

var hSlider:HSlider = new HSlider(panel, 20, 90);
var vSlider:VSlider = new VSlider(panel, 130, 20);

var inputText:InputText = new InputText(panel, 20, 110);
inputText.text = "Input Text";

var _progressBar:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar(panel, 20, 140);

var radio1:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 160);
radio1.label = "Choice 1";
var radio2:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 180);
radio2.label = "Choice 2";
var radio3:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 200);
radio3.label = "Choice 3";

var colorchooser:ColorChooser = new ColorChooser(panel, 20, 230);
colorchooser.value = 0xff0000;

This is the code you want to use, to create all the components (minus wheelnav… ) in a document class.
MinimalComps collection
import com.bit101.components.*;
import flash.display.*;

* @author Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]
public class MainCube extends MovieClip

public function MainCube():void
trace( "MainCube.MainCube" );

var panel:Panel = new Panel(this, 20, 20);
panel.setSize(stage.stageWidth * .75, stage.stageHeight * .75);

var _CheckBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox(panel, 20, 20, "Check it out!");

var _Label:Label = new Label(panel, 20, 40, "This is a label");

var _PushButton:PushButton = new PushButton(panel, 20, 60, "Push Me!");
_PushButton.width = 100;

var _HSlider:HSlider = new HSlider(panel, 20, 90);
var _VSlider:VSlider = new VSlider(panel, 130, 20);

var _VUISlider:VUISlider = new VUISlider(panel, 150, 20, ‘VUISlider’);
_VUISlider.value = 55.5;
var _HUISlider:HUISlider = new HUISlider (panel, 20, 260, ‘HUISlider’);

var _InputText:InputText = new InputText(panel, 20, 110, "Input Text");

var _ProgressBar:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar(panel, 20, 140);
//trace( "_ProgressBar.maximum : " + _ProgressBar.maximum );
_ProgressBar.value = .75;

var radio1:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 160, "Choice 1", true);
var radio2:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 180, "Choice 2");
var radio3:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 200, "Choice 3");

var _ColorChooser:ColorChooser = new ColorChooser(panel, 20, 230, 0xff0000);

var _IndicatorLight:IndicatorLight = new IndicatorLight (panel, 250, 20, 0xff00ff, "IndicatorLight");

var _Knob:Knob = new Knob (panel, 350, 20, "Knob");

var _Meter:Meter = new Meter (panel, 200, 100, "Meter");

var _RotarySelector:RotarySelector = new RotarySelector (panel, 270, 220, "RotarySelector");

var _Text:Text = new Text (panel, 80, 170, "Text what ever you want to place in here");
_Text.setSize (100, 50);


} // end class

} // end package

And it quite easy to create buttons:
var myButton:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 10, 20, onClick);
function onClick (e:Event){
trace (‘onClick’);
// do something else

You can download the MinimalComps set at:
The set includes a CheckBox, PushButton, HSlider, VSlider, InputText, ProgressBar, RadioButton, ColorChooser (text input only) and Panel.

One big fat tip from me:
in the zip you will find a folder named ‘assets’ and in there is a truetype font called ‘pf_ronda_seven.ttf‘. You need to install that on your computer (Windows: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts , Apple: ??) and add it to your Flash file.

How to add a font to the Flash Library

Goto your library, add a “New Font”
Library add New Font
(sorry for the strange looking Flash, it has something to do with my screenshot programm)

Name: “PF Ronda Seven” (you need to spell this exactly as here, without the quotes (“))
Font: search for “PF Ronda Seven”, if you can’t find it, you probably need to restart Flash.
Size: 10

Font Symbol screen
(use this screenshot as an example if you don’t know what I mean)

You need to embed the font from the library into the .FLA : search the font you just created in the library and Right Click >> choose Linkage. Just check “Export for Actionscript” (“Export in first frame” will be activated to). I didn’t change anything, press “OK”

and you done!

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – DrukkGrumm

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the last Drukk model in the Selfish Series: DrukkGrumm.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download DrukkGrumm:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the last model from a 4 models series.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
I love this model: nice colors, nice attitude. So if you just want to download 1 model, download this model

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – Speakurr

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the third Drukk model in the Selfish Series: Speakurr.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download Speakurr:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the third model in a series of four.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
I always wanted to do something with speakers… so here it is.

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – Burdd

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the second Drukk model in the Selfish Series: Burdd.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download Burdd:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the second model from a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” that the skins that I create for myself or others are never cute! That’s correct! So now a cute little yellow bird πŸ˜‰

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – DrukkChubby

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the first Drukk model in the Selfish Series: DrukkChubby

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download DrukkChubby:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the first model in a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” about the skins that I create for my own models and the customs that I create: and she is correct, my skins are never cute or lovely… So here my first cute design πŸ˜‰

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series

A while back I mentioned that I was working on a new papertoy called Drukk

drukk: new papertoy by Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata). So if you are not in the mood to build/customize a more complex model like Grumm you should give Drukk a try.

I have been working on 4 models to get you all inspired to build and create new Drukks πŸ˜‰ .

Me, Myself And I

Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.

But today I’ll start this Selfish Series with a blank Drukk template (because every really good papertoy series has a blank version) which will be used in the “Pusher Series”:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Special thx to some of the friendly people at nicePaperToys who gave me feedback about the build and the model itself.

Tomorrow more….

Design Urban papercraft

Grizza – a SIZZA custom

I while back I created a custom for SIZZA and I called it GRIZZA.

Why I never posted about it on my blog (well I didn’t like the photos I took of it πŸ˜‰ ), I don’t know… But I did mention it on
Nice Paper Toys so you can find some photo’s and comments there.

I created a promotional poster for Grizza:
Grizza a SIZZA custom by Matthijs C. Kamstra aka [mck]

And few days back Nick posted a download link for GRIZZA, and today he send me an update: 100+ downloads! πŸ™‚ Which seems to be a lot in a short time.
Perhaps it helps that papercraftparadise also wrote about it…

For all the people who wants to download GRIZZA visit the blog of Nick Knite the home of SIZZA

Do you want to know more about SIZZA or Nick Knite, read my post or visit Nick’s site.

Update #1 (Monday 9 June 2008 ): I can’t help myself: I know this is not a contest, but I have beaten Dino-Sizza and Artdenka-design in number of downloads…. Next one in line is NiceBunny (181 downloads)
Update #2 (Wednesday 11 June 2008 ): πŸ˜‰ I know: I’m a sad little man, NiceBunny is passed and Lil’ SIZZA is next (209 downloads). But way think small (it just another 3 downloads) so next one in line is SIZZA – Project Detonate Custom (currently 276) ….. πŸ™‚ Nick mentioned that the numbers of visitors have increased! Thx for downloading this custom!
Update #3 (Monday 16 June 2008 ): Currently Grizza is downloaded 309 times πŸ˜€ …. I have passed SIZZA – Project Detonate Custom. And now it’s time for the big guns: GHOST SIZZA from Matt Hawkins (325 download) and SIZZA – Marshall Alexander custom (416 download). I guess that it will difficult to beat 400+ series, but time will tell. Thx once again for downloading this custom this much!
Update #4 (Monday 7 July 2008 ): Currently Grizza is downloaded 511 times πŸ˜€ …. I asked Nick if there is something to beat any more… It’s the design made by Team Steven (568 downloads) which is more then 1 year online and the original SIZZA.
Design Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Macula

Another artist in the PaperToy book created by Matt Hawkins is Macula

Macula = Christopher Bonnette and he has a fascination for mythology and folklore.
Inspired by these myths/folklore, he create some paintings:
Krampus Painting

But he created not only paintings but also a paperToy series named: Squealer
This model is called Krampus:

There are different kind of skins:


(you can’t click on these images and download: visit the site yourself)

But has created some other models to:


You can see the complete Squealer series in the Squealer gallery (of view Krampus directly).

And there is also a blank version to customize:

Just visit the site and click on the blank squealer, or follow this link.
There are also some building instruction.