Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – Burdd

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the second Drukk model in the Selfish Series: Burdd.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download Burdd:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the second model from a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” that the skins that I create for myself or others are never cute! That’s correct! So now a cute little yellow bird 😉

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – DrukkChubby

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the first Drukk model in the Selfish Series: DrukkChubby

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download DrukkChubby:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the first model in a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” about the skins that I create for my own models and the customs that I create: and she is correct, my skins are never cute or lovely… So here my first cute design 😉

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series

A while back I mentioned that I was working on a new papertoy called Drukk

drukk: new papertoy by Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata). So if you are not in the mood to build/customize a more complex model like Grumm you should give Drukk a try.

I have been working on 4 models to get you all inspired to build and create new Drukks 😉 .

Me, Myself And I

Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.

But today I’ll start this Selfish Series with a blank Drukk template (because every really good papertoy series has a blank version) which will be used in the “Pusher Series”:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Special thx to some of the friendly people at nicePaperToys who gave me feedback about the build and the model itself.

Tomorrow more….

Drukk Urban papercraft

Meet my new papertoy: drukk

By accident (I was creating a custom for another paper toy designer) I created a new papertoy.
This is the first time I create a real toy.

It’s called drukk and its still a papertoy in progress (WIP), but here you have an example made in Google Sketchup:
drukk: new papertoy by Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Because it’s not a ‘static’ toy (you could call it a paper automata) I also created a promotional video:

Soon I will post more about drukk

AS3 Custmm Grumm Grumm Urban papercraft

Custmm Grumm – The project

This will be my most ambitious project in my spare time: Custmm Grumm!

Custmm Grumm

What is Custmm Grumm?

When I created Grumm, I had no plans with the moody fellow. But after I got invited to participate in a book about papertoys I started to think about the future of papertoys (and Grumm).

Two of those thoughts about the future is the base of this project: you should be able to modify/create a papermodel without expensive software or specialized knowledge.

Papertoys are, more then vinyl toys, difficult to customize. You need knowledge of image or vector programs link Photoshop or Illustrator. Besides the knowledge of these programs, you also need the program them selfs, which is not cheap. Another bump in customizing is the flat version of the model: the simple papertoys are not that difficult to understand, but the more complex models with more parts, it’s difficult to know which part goes where and how it will look.
It would be nice that you could create a custom skin and modify the model yourself.

Creating a custom skin for a model is done before: papercritters but modifying the model to isn’t.

I will try to make Custmm Grumm in Flash (AS3) so that it’s possible to create a custom skin and modify the model (with some restrictions of course)…

I had a discussion about this project on Nice Paper Toys if you want to know some more about the rocky start of this project.

Design Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Macula

Another artist in the PaperToy book created by Matt Hawkins is Macula

Macula = Christopher Bonnette and he has a fascination for mythology and folklore.
Inspired by these myths/folklore, he create some paintings:
Krampus Painting

But he created not only paintings but also a paperToy series named: Squealer
This model is called Krampus:

There are different kind of skins:


(you can’t click on these images and download: visit the site yourself)

But has created some other models to:


You can see the complete Squealer series in the Squealer gallery (of view Krampus directly).

And there is also a blank version to customize:

Just visit the site and click on the blank squealer, or follow this link.
There are also some building instruction.

Design Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Jerom

One of the artist in the PaperToy book created by Matt Hawkins is Jerom.

Jerom is a French artist, which makes it very hard for me to follow his blog: it’s in French which I don’t speak….
But Google is nice to help me a little: translate Jerom’s blog.

Jerom uses his blog not only for papercraft (as I do: Flash and Papertoys), so here a link to separate the paperToy on the blog from the rest: papertoy.

Oke but why am I writing about Jerom? I “promised” to feature all the participating artists of the book by Matt Hawkins on my blog! But Jerom is also part of the Nice Paper Toys social network where I also can be found.

The first time I saw work from Jerom I noticed that the template he created where very simple, with cool designs.
For example:

But recently he started a experiment with Google Sketchup and Pepakura (read my tutorial about creating papermodels with these 2) which are very cool.

Technical I’m cheating: there are no download templates, or blank templates of these models (at the time of writing this post), but I’m guessing that there will be (in the nearby future).

There are 3 models which can be found here (or read the Nice Paper Toys post from Jerom).

And I’m only showing the coolest:

Just check the rest on Jerom’s blog

Design Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: PaperToys book Artists

Update #1: I have written a post about Jerom
Update #2: Read about Macula

I have written about the paperToys book from Matt Hawkins before: it’s a book about the most talented paperToy designers in the world!

(and I’m part of that group 😉 )

Because the list is so impressive I should write about these people…..
And I already did that: a lot of these paperToy designers are part of my Urban papercraft series

But there are some where I will not write about: not because they are not talented, but they don’t meet the requirements for my definition of Urban Papercraft. So I hope I don’t offend someone, but this group of designers will be striked out (like this)

  1. Shin Tanaka🙂 read my posts yes, wrote about him more then once…
  2. 3eyed Bear🙂 read my post
  3. Speaker Dog🙂 read my post
  4. Toypaper🙂 read my post I love papercraft/Flash
  5. Sjors Trimbach🙂 read my post one of the first paperToy designers a wrote about.
  6. Ken Munk🙂 read my post I really like the idea of hunting trophies
  7. Carlo Giovani🙁 very talented though
  8. E440🙂 read my post
  9. Illectronics🙂 read my post
  10. Jonny Chiba🙂 read my post
  11. PHILL🙂 read my post
  12. Marshall Alexander
  13. Nice Bunny🙂 read my post very recently
  14. SIZZA🙂 read my post
  15. P.P. Bear 100% loading
  16. Big Chief
  17. Lou Lou
  18. Bryan Rollins
  19. Christopher Bonnette 🙂 Update #2: read my post
  20. Grumm — nice dude! 😉
  21. Jerom🙂 Update #1: read my post
  22. Burlabox
  23. Rommy very, very, very cute, but no blank template
  24. Cubotoy — very beautyfull, can’t find blank template, pitty 🙁
  25. Matt Hawkins

I see I have my work cut out for me….

Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Papercraft X

Papercraft X is not really one person that has a model that you can customize, but this site collects all papercraft models that can be customized.

All big name can be found over there (Shin Tanaka, Matt Hawkins, me 😉 , ….), but also some smaller/unknown designers can be found there.

Papercraft X - logo

We’re aiming to catalogue all of the urban toys in the world!

This site is maintain by Jun aka SonicScape Jun who also has models which you can customize

Jun is also a member of Nice Paper Toys

Design Grumm Urban papercraft

GrummBunny: a custom by NiceBunny

Update #1: I still haven’t got the time to build it myself, but you can download GrummBunny it now on the Grumm homepage.

I haven’t got time to build it myself 🙁 , or create a downloadable template, but I had to share this with you.

The first custom Grumm in 2008
and more will follow!

NiceBunny has create a custom Grumm: GrummBunny
GrummBunny: a Grumm custom by NiceBunny

It now part of a bigger family:

Do you want to create a custom Grumm: I would be honored :). You can download the blank Grumm template, or get inspired by Grumm The Screamer Red which you can download.

NiceBunny can be found in a lot of places: (the social network create by NiceBunny)
to name 2

I will create asap a download link
Visit the Grumm homepage for GrummBunny!
Or for you lazy bastard:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)