Design Grumm Urban papercraft

Counting down…

Good news & bad news

First the good:
The book that I’m going to be in (book “Urban Paper” from Matt Hawkins) is printed: one of these days I will get my copy!!!!
I’ve written about it here and

And this is the front:
Front of Urban Paper
And this the back:
Back of Urban Paper

You ca order it at Amazon: Urban-Paper-Designer-Toys.

And when you watch the video, wait till the last page:

it’s me with Son of a Grumm

then the bad:
I broke my wrist and can’t type very fast with one hand.
So I will be posting infrequently for about 5/8 weeks.
And the subjects will be short….

Design Grumm

Son of a Grumm – part 2

Son of a Grumm, originally uploaded by Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck].

A image that I made to promote Grumm and Son of a Grumm in particular on mySpace.

It seems to be working: the group of digital friends is slowly growing 😉

Read more in a previous post or about the Urban Papertoy book