Sometimes I open ActionScript files in another editor then FlashDevelop. And in my case this is Notepad++.
Notepad++ has ActionScript syntax highlighting but it seems that it doesn’t detect it.
When I open an AS file it uses the Haskell syntax highlighting, and that is very annoying especially when you open a couple of files and you need to set them one by one to ActionScript.
Google (who else) provided the answer: here.
This is what you do:
find and open the langs.xml
you can find it in the install folder of Notepad++, in my case
C:\Program Files\Notepad++
find the haskell language
< Language name="haskell" ext="hs lhs as las" commentLine="--" >
and remove “as
” from the ext and save the file.
Next time you open an AS file with notepad++ it will be highlighted in the correct syntax