Design Flash

2011 vs 2012

Update #1: I joint a gym to learn how to KickBoxing and Muay Thai! Here is the link to the site: (little warning: this website is not a beauty)
Update #2: Brummble the papertoy tribute to ThreeA vinyl: Heavy Bramble is online and ready for downloading: here.

It’s been a while … haven’t posted anything regular in a… year.
That would have been the year 2011: the year I became for the first time a dad.

So here a little update (for the one person who still reads this blog).

2011 and a little bit before that

I had big plans; I wanted to show everybody that my live didn’t change when I got a kid…
Boy…was I mistaken.
Don’t get me wrong: this has been the best year of my live!!
But the things I wanted to do this year, the plans I made… nothing of that happened.
My daughter happened! and everything else followed HER plans.

I wanted to be a part of her live and not only look after her in the weekends.
My girlfriend and I both decided to have a 4 days work week so my daughter only has to goes to the daycare center for 3 days.
The employer I was working for at that time didn’t want me to work 4 days. I tried to use a dutch-law: they said they would take me to court, etc, etc.
I don’t want to make this post about my former employer (if you want to know more about this story, just ask), so I decide that it would be best for the both of us to find another job (1.5 month before my daughter was born…. I know: I’m still bitter about that).
But here is the good news (remember: the best year of my live) I found a great new job at!!!
I could work there for 4 days, they are very flexible and an awesome group of talented people.
AND I didn’t miss anything daughter-related stuff, which I can recommend every dad to do: have a day alone with you kid.

So the first 6 month of the year 2011 is mostly about being a dad (boring stuff for people who don’t have kids, nothing to explain to the people who have them).

Professionally (during the day I’m a Flash Designer/Developer) I learned about Robotlegs, AS3-navigator, LoaderMax, etc. Had some interesting talks with the people of “the bigger boat” (group of freelancers). AND I can do the job in 4 days (sometimes with some creative time-management from my employer and myself) which I knew would be possible, but conformation is alway nice.
In the next 6 months of 2011 I started to think about what I wanted. What makes me happy, what is making me happy right now and what will make me happy in the future. I miss the feeling I had when I started to work as a junior designer: wanting to learn EVERYTHING to become a senior. But now I am a senior… what’s next? Do I want to be a programmer for the rest of my live? Questions that are not answered yet.

I’m also a papertoy designer (something I do at night). This year was not a good year for papertoys: I needed my sleep!
I have done 1 exhibition in Amsterdam and I did an exhibit at Sneakerness Amsterdam (also the first time that I sold papertoys).
Both exhibition was done the rest of the dutch papertoy designers (3eyedbear, Marshall Alexander, Dolly Oblong) and one german papertoy designer (Nick Knite).
For these events I made 2 new papertoys, but they will not be downloadable. Nick Knite and myself wanted to organize a papertoy calendar with papertoy designers we both like… sadly I had to cancel that: no time to start/finish it ðŸ™
All and all not very productive year.


My live (and this blog) is more than just one specialty. So here a short list:

Flash / Development

This is my job, this is how I make a living… and Flash is Dead! (again). I’m not worried so I will keep learning even more about that subject. But I need more! I have made a small CMS in 4 weeks in PHP (what an ugly language is that!) but that didn’t excited me much.
So I want to learn haXe! I’m quite excited about this language so I will be writing about that soon.
I would love to lead a team… or join a group of flash/geek-superstars (whatever moves me forward)
I want to finish what I have started in 2011:

  • finalize (and improve) my project setup.
  • automate the stuff that I have to do over-and-over-again

Find out how a senior finds his “what’s next”
Start having coffee-meeting with the industry tech-directors/tech-team leaders/etc to answer BIG question
Will be joining the after-work-drink-on-friday with my colleagues more often (once a month)

Urban Papercraft / papertoy

I really have no plans for papertoys: I used to do this to relax, but last year I relaxed by sleeping.
There is still two books I wanted to write…. but I can’t promise that it will be finished this year.
You can always ask me for a workshop or lecture about papertoys: just let me know!

The graffiti inspired papertoys I do will not be downloadable: that will be my art and art can’t be given away 😀
So what can the fans download? I have created a toy based upon 3A vinyl toy: Brummble. That will be released very soon.
And more perhaps? Not really a plan for that but sometimes I get a tickle and that needs to be scratched… and the product of that scratching (now this metaphor is getting dirty) will be downloadable.
Can you ask me for exhibitions? Yes, please do. I like the idea that my work is art and not only a (paper)-toy.
That is also the reason that I have titled this paragraph “Urban”: urban-art, urban-toy, urban-paper that’s what I will be making.
Can you ask me for a papertoy book? Yes, please do. I have worked on two books with much pleasure and would be honored to asked for another.
Can you ask me for a custom? Yes you can… but time is very precious right now. So your project must be VERY interesting.
I have promised to finish a custom Zealot Guard from Abz, and that is what I will do. Why do this custom? This is a VERY exciting project by a (perhaps the only) female papertoy designer.
There are some plans to visit Germany for some workshops, but other than that I have no idea.
2012 will reveal itself to me as it goes towards 2013 😀


Now I have some energy back in the evening I will be writing again on this blog, but not as often as I did before 2011. I used to write every week. That will change to once a month: a ‘big’ post. The ‘big’ post will be a tutorial or something else that needs more explaining. That will mean that there will be at least 12 more posts. Between these ‘big’ posts there will be some papertoy related images (minimal writing).
I will be writing about haXe, so that will be exciting (for programmers). I think I can be of some help making haXe more accessible for the ‘normal’ programmer.

That is not the only way to follow me: I have a twitter account. here I talk about everything that interests me (design/development/sneakers/games/video/whatever)


When my daughter was born I quit the gym (it was too expensive). I wanted to find something cheaper… It turned out to be very cheap: I didn’t join a gym but I also didn’t do something else. This year I will be joining a gym…. and to be very specific: I want to try Kickboxing!
Another thing that I will do, or stop doing… Is doing things for free. And that goes also for friends and family; they will pay (not necessarily with money, but for free doesn’t work for me anymore)

I’m looking forward to 2012!

Design Urban papercraft

Straat Papier Holland Klik – Workshop promo

Something that I have been working on:

Straat Papier Holland Klik – Workshop promo from Matthijs Kamstra on Vimeo.

Maarten Janssens create the “Straat Papier Holland Klik”-logo, and did the stop-motion animation. I did the rest

Maarten Janssens (3EyedBear) and me are going to give a papertoy workshop, totally FREE!!
Here more information about the festival:


A festival where design and crafts go hand in hand.
Saturday 26th, 2010 from 1pm – 6pm the square in front of The American Book Center (Spui 12, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) will be an outdoor atelier, with artists creating work on-site for the public to enjoy.

Maarten Janssens ( and Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck] ( will be given a FREE papertoy workshop at ABC treehouse (Voetboogstraat 11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

You can meet, greet and craft with the following Dutch Papertoy Artists:

For further information on the ABC URBAN ARTS FESTIVAL please contact :

Rick Lightstone ( or Donna DuCarme (

More info about the festival:

Design Urban papercraft

PUMA – States/Suede/Clyde – urban paper sneaker – part2

Today I present: PUMA – States/Suede/Clyde – Urban paper sneaker

Want to read more about the process visit this blog post or this one.

Because a picture says more than a thousand words:

Paperkraft fans will recognise the logo: this is a paper sneaker made for Ron Rementilla from
He has written about my PUMA First round papertoy and suggested that people who wanted a template should leave a comment…. And Ron mentioned that he wanted one too…. I’m sure that he didn’t mean this, but I needed to create a skin for this model and thought it would be a nice gesture to thank Ron.

You can download the file for the PUMA – Paperkraft – Urban paper sneaker here:

The .ZIP file contains a .PDF
(You can use freeware like FilZip or 7zip to extract a .ZIP-file and read a .PDF with Acrobat or Foxit)

But I know a lot of people want to customize this PUMA sneaker, so if you are interested in creating a custom paper sneaker you can download the Blank PUMA – States/Suede/Clyde – Urban paper sneaker here:

The .ZIP file contains a .PDF
(You can use freeware like FilZip or 7zip to extract a .ZIP-file and read a .PDF with Acrobat or Foxit)

If you like this, leave a comment. If you build one, show me a picture. If you customize one, … you get the picture ….

Design Urban papercraft

PUMA – states/suede/clyde – urban paper sneaker

As I mentioned before: I always wanted to do a papertoy sneaker.

When I finished my first PUMA sneakers, and posted it on NPT (Nice Paper Toy), some people mentioned that they liked the model but that there favorite PUMA sneaker is the states/suede/clyde.
I didn’t know that the PUMA states/suede/clyde is a b-boy classic.

So I couldn’t resist to make them too:

I don’t have a download link for this one, and no design yet….
But that will be fixed very soon.

The excellent Ron Rementilla from has written about my PUMA First round papertoy (thx for that).
And suggested that readers who wanted a template, leave a comment….

Till now 10 people did and they have received the (WIP) templates…
I call the templates WIP because the instructions are not ready yet.
And because I wanted to make the PUMA clyde first, they are not ready yet.

AS3 Design Flash Urban papercraft

Twitter rss reader in Flash as3

Update #1: must read this post, otherwise this code will fail when you place it on your server!

I recently started my own company ( and I need to make a website for it…. Not really a problem besides that I don’t have any time to create a design.

So I was thinking about a easy way to update this website without spending extra time on that.

Because the main focus of the company is papertoys (urban papertoys), I need design or papertoy related info in my my new website ().

And I came with two ways to update it without extra effort: twitter (I tweet about a lot of stuff but primarily about papertoys) and this the content on this blog (category: urban-papercraft).

I started with the Twitter part.
There are two Twitter AS3 libraries that “speak” to the Twitter API: twitterscript/ and tweetr/.
But after reading the source I concluded that it was a little bit to much: I don’t want to tweet from or do searches, so that was not the way to go.

A little google search gave me the solution:, simple using the standard rss from Twitter (in my case: Matthijs Kamstra – Twitter – rss).

The code on is pritty simple, and very easy to use.
So my code is a little addition to that, I need some stuff done to the rss feed:

  • remove “MatthijsKamstra:” form the title
  • convert @paperkraft to a link
  • convert #Mecha6 to a link
  • convert http:// to a link

Here is my code:
[as light=”false” wraplines=”false”]
package nl.emceekay.twttr
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
* // nl.emceekay.twttr.TwttrExample
* …
* @author Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]
public class TwttrExample extends MovieClip
private var url:String = "";

private var _txt:TextField;

public function TwttrExample()
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.align = "TL";

// generate textfield
_txt = new TextField()
_txt.x = 10;
_txt.y = 10;
_txt.width = stage.stageWidth – 20;
_txt.height = stage.stageHeight – 20;
_txt.wordWrap = true;
_txt.multiline = true;
_txt.autoSize = "left";

// start

//////////////////////////////////////// loading rss / show rss ////////////////////////////////////////

private function getFeed (inURL:String) : void
_txt.htmlText = "getting tweets";

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFeedHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest(inURL));

private function onFeedHandler (e:Event):void
_txt.htmlText = "";
var _feed:XML = new XML(;
var _item:XMLList =;
for each (var feedItem:XML in _item){
var _title :String = feedItem.title;
var _pubDate :String = feedItem.pubDate;
var _link :String =;

_title = convertTweet(_title);

_txt.htmlText += _title + "<br><i>" + _pubDate + "</i><br><br>";

//////////////////////////////////////// twitter specific ////////////////////////////////////////

// one place to convert the tweet
private function convertTweet (inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
_str = twttrStripName(_str);
_str = twttrConvertHTTP(_str);
_str = twttrConvertMention(_str);
_str = twttrConvertHashtag(_str);
_str = twttrConvertSmileys(_str);
return _str;

// remove the writers name from the tweet
private function twttrStripName (inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _charNumber:Number = _str.indexOf(":");
return _str.substr(_charNumber + 2);

// convert http-strings to links
private function twttrConvertHTTP(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].indexOf("http") != -1)
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2 + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// convert mentions (@) to links
private function twttrConvertMention(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].substr(0, 1) == "@")
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2.split("@")[1] + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// convert hashtags (#) to links
private function twttrConvertHashtag(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].substr(0, 1) == "#")
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2.split("#")[1] + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// TODO: [mck] convert 🙂 to a smiley image
private function twttrConvertSmileys(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
return _str;

// remove "strange" characters from the end of the string
private function twttrStripChar(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _charArray:Array = [‘,’, ‘;’, ‘:’, ‘ ‘, ‘-‘, ‘_’];
for (var i:int = 0; i < _charArray.length; i++)
if (_str.charAt(_str.length – 1) == _charArray[i]) {
_str = _str.substr(0, _str.length – 1);
return _str;

} // end class

} // end package

Currently I have only this proof of concept, but soon I will post the example on

Because this is part one of what I want to do, and don’t want to search for every link again, I’m posting also the WordPress link here (it’s just because I’m lazy).

So here the feeds I will be using:

Design Urban papercraft

Flickr gallery: Urban paper – part 2

I’ve already made a Urban paper series – part 1.

What do I mean with Urban paper? Paper with a street attitude…

But as “part 1” already implies; there is also a second gallery, here it is: my Flickr gallery about Urban paper – part 2.

Urban paper - part 2

I hope you like it, drop a comment if you want… here or at Flickr

Design Urban papercraft

Flickr gallery: Urban paper – part 1

I’ve been playing with Flickr galleries, and I made a Urban paper series.

What do I mean with Urban paper? Paper with a street attitude…

So here it is: my Flickr gallery about Urban paper – part 1.

Urban paper - part 1

I hope you like it

Design Urban papercraft

Urban Paper in Kansas City

Another Urban paper book artshow:

Urban Paper in Kansas City

You can find the usual suspects there plus some that are not in the book (but probably will be in the next, if this book will be sold enough 😉 )

via Custom Paper Toys

Design Urban papercraft

Urban Paper Tokyo Show

I mentioned before that there would be a Urban Paper exhibit in Tokyo organized by Josh McKible (, he posted some pictures here.

Show list

The Urban Paper show opening Sept. 7th at Café Pause in Ikebukuro is the latest stop of an international tour of paper toys first published in the book, Urban Paper. Tour stops have included Los Angles and Arnhem, the Netherlands and after Tokyo, the show will re-open in Rome.

Paper toys have been around for almost as long as paper itself, but what’s new is that paper toys have recently become a medium of choice for young designers. Because paper is cheap, light and recyclable it has become a populist alternative for artists who previously might have released their toys as collectible vinyl figures. Many of the Urban Paper designers make their toys freely available for download on the Web and anyone with access to a printer can easily make and enjoy their very own paper toy. Urban Paper is the first book that collects designs from 26 of these international artists, printed on heavy stock, along with an included DVD of extra materials, that also gives readers designs and ideas on how to make their own paper toys creations.

At the Urban Paper show at Cafe Pause, new paper toys, designed exclusively for the Tokyo stop will be on display, along with posters, postcards and other material. Flat packs of the toys will be on sale, as well as some built models.

Quote from the Flickr page from Josh McKible

Read more at the place where the show is held.

Custom Design Urban papercraft

One-Off Paper Totem! – Urban Paper NL

I wanted to make a custom for Dolly Oblong, but I guess Dolly didn’t want to wait anymore…

At the Urban Paper Toys exhibition at Subwalk in Arnhem (The Netherlands) Dolly asked all designers present to do a custom… on the spot.

One-Off Paper Totem! - Urban Paper NL by Dolly Oblong.

Hand drawn Paper Totem! pieces by the artists participating in the Urban Paper NL show! All pieces were made during the opening 😀

Totem on the left from top to bottom: MCK, Loulou, Nick Knite, Christopher D.
Totem on the right from top to bottom: e440, 3EyedBear, Sjors Trimbach

Cheers heaps guys, lovely meeting you all :)))

As you can see, I’m totally outside my comfort-zone… I don’t sketch a lot, and I think you can see that.
I promise to make a better one! (using my computer 😀 )

Visit Dolly Oblong

It seems that I’m know in the papertoy world as MCK, it should be [mck]… but I can live with that.