Design Haxe Openfl Urban papercraft

Openfl papertoy art project

I love to create projects where you take stuff from the digital world (temporarily, intangible) and drag it into the “real” world. This project is a good example of that. I create a papertoy generated in code and cut by a machine.

Besides filling my blog with new content, I have two other reasons to write this post:

  1. You can use Haxe/Openfl for something else then game-developement! I know I am not the only one, but this group of developers are not as present as the game-defs.
  2. It’s a long and complicated process to get to the end result: it’s difficult to explain this in detail to others, so I wrote down the whole story for interested friend/family/colleagues/fans???

If I ever grow a pair, this post be one of the two talks I would give during wwx2015 just to balance the all tech talks during the event.
But nothing is growing besides my hair, so instead I will write about the process and end-result.

Feedback is always nice, so please don’t hesitate to comment!

Haxe Openfl

Using svg for assets in Openfl

I wanted to use svg for icons in an Openfl project.
It’s not intuitive to do this, so I wrote it down for future use.

What are svg files?

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.


Good to remember that they scale awesomely without lost of resolution!

How to add it to your project

You can find the svg code on github.
But you can install it easier with haxelib

Open your terminal and write:

haxelib install svg

To add it to an OpenFL project, add this to your project file:

<haxelib name="svg" />


import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Shape;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import format.SVG;
class SVGExample extends Sprite

  public function new()
    var svg : SVG = new SVG(Assets.getText("assets/openfl.svg"));
    var shape : Shape  = new Shape();

But now the cool part: it scales without losing resolution

Check the highlighted line for the changes,

import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Shape;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import format.SVG;
class SVGExample extends Sprite

  public function new()
    var svg : SVG = new SVG(Assets.getText("assets/openfl.svg"));
    var shape : Shape  = new Shape();

for the curious:


  • I remembered this gist, which explains almost everything.
  • Get icons here, they are free for download as long as you credit freepik
  • Featured image from webdesignerdepot
Design Urban papercraft

Papertoy bizz – part 3

I thought I would be finished now, but some random search let me know that I wasn’t finished yet.

So visit my previous post about Papertoy bizz.

But to be short about it: I’m currently working on making that papertoy bizz somewhat official.

And you need a business card and that got me wondering about some other business card related items:

  • Business card stand
  • Business card holder

I couldn’t resist looking for paper versions of these items.

I used my day jobs business card for this: I think they have a common size use in the Netherlands.
The card is 85mm x 55mm (W x H)

In this post I’ll be focusing on the business card holder! (again!)

Business card holder

How to Make a Business Card Holder… From Playing Cards

The fist one is a Business card holder made from playing cards:

How to Make a Business Card Holder... From Playing Cards

Read the post about that.
Download the template (.PDF) they created here “save as”

I don’t have to vectorize it, but I did it anyway:

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Business card holder from Free Patent Online

Here I found another one:
Business card holder

There is only a jpg, so I converted it to the standard size business card and now it’s in vector:

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Here the vector files:

How to Make a Business Card Holder… From Playing Cards

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Business card holder from Free Patent Online

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Design Urban papercraft

Papertoy bizz – part 2

Read my previous post about Papertoy bizz – part 1.

But to be short about it: I’m currently working on making that papertoy bizz somewhat official.

And you need a business card and that got me wondering about some other business card related items:

  • Business card stand
  • Business card holder

I couldn’t resist looking for paper versions of these items.

I used my day jobs business card for this: I think they have a common size use in the Netherlands.
The card is 85mm x 55mm (W x H)

In this post I’ll be focusing on the business card holder!

Business card holder

I found two versions that I want to mention.

The Food Box Wallet (can be used as business card holder)

The Food box wallet from

Business card holder example

I don’t have to vectorized it, because they have a nice .PDF file for us.
Download the template: “save as”

But I did it anyway because it now fits the standard business card:

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Placing the elastic can be somewhat difficult so here some extra instructions

Paint Chip Card Holders!

The other I found at
Paint Chip Card Holders
They look awesome don’t they!!
In the Netherlands we don’t have Home Depot or a shop that uses these cards but why don’t use a cereal box or other box made out of carton (or just design one…).

There is a .JPG template
Card holder template
This template can be use to modify it to your own business card dimensions:

To change the size of the template, make ‘a’ the height of your card, and ‘b’ the thickness that you want the card holder to be.

But here is mine vector version:

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

For building instruction visit page about the paint chip card holder.

Here the vector files:

Business wallet template

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Business holder template

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Design Urban papercraft

Papertoy bizz – part 1

I’m currently working on making that papertoy bizz somewhat official.
So I’ve started a business ( <-- not a lot to see there yet) with a officials KvK (Kamer van Koophandel = chamber of commerce) etc….

And you need a business card and that got me wondering about some other business card related items:

  • Business card stand
  • Business card holder

I couldn’t resist looking for paper versions of these items.

I used my day job business card for this: I think they have a common size use in the Netherlands.
The card is 85mm x 55mm (W x H)

In this post I’ll be focussing on the Business card stand!

Business card stand

Simple business card iPhone iPod stand

This one is so simple that I didn’t search further
End result Business card stand from a business card
I found it on so visit them for the whole story.

But I need vector files, not just a sketch! So I converted the instructions into a vector file:

And now the download: this is a little experiment so hope it works:
Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)
Use the standard functionality from your browser and save it as “.svg” (Firefox will save it as .XML but that file won’t open in Illustrator)

btw: there is even an instruction how to make this stand without a template; just with folding and another business card! Just visit the post and scroll down the comments.

iPhone and iTouch paper stand dock

But then someone pointed me towards this:
An awesome paper stand from by Julien Madérou. But I see no reason why we can’t use it for a business card stand.

You can download the original .PDF file here (use “Save Link As…”)

But because we don’t need to have a cord running through, I simplified the template a little bit:

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

If you are having problem to build it, visit the original post: Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock or open the original PDF (here).

Here the vector files:

Business stand (simple) template

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

Business stand template

Download the template as .SVG (use “Save Link As…”)

AS3 Extending Flash Flash

Shape 2 Array jsfl

For a project of mine: Custmm Grumm I needed to change a shape into an array, you could say that I needed to change a Illustrator/vector file into code.

As far as I know there is no other method then the one I created here with jsfl.

To make this happen I imported the .AI file (Illustrator) to the stage.
Flash import screen

This JSFL files has some restrictions, you can read it in the comments:

this script only works under certain conditions:
– everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn’t work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
– every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape

The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect…
sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash ‘reads’ the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)…
But you could try:

  • I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other
  • rotated a square 90 degrees
  • both solutions

I’m not making an install file, so if you want to try this script you need to copy it in the correct directory (I’m sorry for the OsX users: I have no idea, but if you do, place a comment)
Windows (on my computer): C:\Documents and Settings\[here you name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\en\Configuration\Commands

here is the JSFL (if you need to give it a name; I have a suggestion: “[mck] shape2array 2.jsfl”)

* this script only works under certain conditions:
*		- everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn't work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
* 		- every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape 
* The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect...
* 		sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
* 		I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash 'reads' the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)... 
*		But you could try: 	- I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other 
*						- rotated a square 90 degrees 
*						- both solutions 
* based upon
* and
* <pre>
*  ____                   _      ____
* |  __| _ __ ___    ___ | | __ |__  |
* | |   | '_ ` _ \  / __|| |/ /    | |
* | |   | | | | | || (__ |   <     | |
* | |__ |_| |_| |_| \___||_|\_\  __| |
* |____|                        |____|
* </pre>
* @author			Matthijs C. Kamstra [mck]
* @version		1.1
* @since			10:00 5-5-2008
* Changelog:
* 		v1.1 [2008-05-09] - test movie after use of this jsfl
* 		v1.0 [2008-05-05] - Initial release
var currentVersion = '1.1';

fl.trace ('[mck] shape2Array :: version ' + currentVersion);

// with a shape selected
var ptArray = [];
var doneEdge = [];
var exportString = 'var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();\n';
var selectionNumber = 0;

// fl.trace("// start ---------------------------");
function isDrawn(id) {
	for (var k = 0; k<doneEdge.length; k++) {
		if (doneEdge[k] == id) {
			return true;
	return false;

sel = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection;
for (var n = 0; n < sel.length; n++) {

	exportString += 'shapeArrayz['+n+'] = [';
	selectionNumber = sel.length;
	var elt = sel[n];
	if (elt.elementType != 'shape') {
	for (i=0; i<elt.contours.length; i++) {
		var cont = elt.contours[i];
		var he = cont.getHalfEdge();
		var startId =;
		var id = 0;
		while (id != startId) {
			var ed = he.getEdge();
			if (!isDrawn( {
				for (var j = 0; j<3; j++) {
					var pt = ed.getControl(j);
					ptArray.push(pt.x, pt.y , j);
					exportString += '[' + pt.x + ',' + pt.y + ',' + j + '] , ';
			he = he.getNext();
			id =;
	exportString += '];\n';
// fl.trace(ptArray);
// fl.trace("// end ---------------------------");

// I'm a lazy bastard, so paste the code in the as layer
// create or place code in 'as' layer
var tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline();
if (tl.findLayerIndex("as") == undefined){
	tl.addNewLayer('as', 'normal' , true); 
} else {
	tl.currentLayer = tl.findLayerIndex("as")[0];
tl.layers[tl.currentLayer].frames[0].actionScript = exportString.split('] , ];').join(']];') + "\n";

// The following example tests the movie for the current document:
fl.getDocumentDOM().testMovie(); // if you don't want to export to swf after the jsfl is ready, comment this line

// end jsfl

It will create a layer named ‘as’ where the array will be placed that will look something like this:

var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();
shapeArrayz[0] = [[20.05,169.5,0] , [62.425,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.5,2] , [104.8,169.5,0] , [104.8,211.85,1] , [104.8,254.2,2] , [104.8,254.2,0] , [62.425,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [20.05,211.85,1] , [20.05,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[1] = [[189.55,0,0] , [189.55,42.35,1] , [189.55,84.7,2] , [189.55,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [104.8,42.35,1] , [104.8,0,2] , [104.8,0,0] , [147.175,0,1] , [189.55,0,2]];
shapeArrayz[2] = [[189.55,169.45,0] , [231.9,169.45,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,211.8,1] , [274.25,254.15,2] , [274.25,254.15,0] , [231.9,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[3] = [[189.55,84.7,0] , [189.55,127.075,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,127.075,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [189.55,84.7,2]];
shapeArrayz[4] = [[104.8,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,211.8,1] , [104.8,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[5] = [[104.8,338.95,0] , [104.8,296.55,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,296.55,1] , [189.55,338.95,2] , [189.55,338.95,0] , [147.175,338.95,1] , [104.8,338.95,2]];
shapeArrayz[6] = [[274.25,169.5,0] , [284.275,179.5,1] , [294.3,189.5,2] , [294.3,189.5,0] , [294.3,211.9,1] , [294.3,234.3,2] , [294.3,234.3,0] , [294.275,234.3,1] , [294.25,234.3,2] , [294.25,234.3,0] , [284.325,244.25,1] , [274.4,254.2,2] , [274.4,254.2,0] , [274.325,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.2,2] , [274.25,254.2,0] , [274.25,211.85,1] , [274.25,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[7] = [[0.1,189.45,0] , [10.1,179.45,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.125,211.825,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.1,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [10.025,244.2,1] , [0,234.2,2] , [0,234.2,0] , [0.05,211.825,1] , [0.1,189.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[8] = [[124.85,359,0] , [114.825,349,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [147.175,338.925,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [189.55,338.925,1] , [189.55,339,2] , [189.55,339,0] , [179.6,349.05,1] , [169.65,359.1,2] , [169.65,359.1,0] , [147.25,359.05,1] , [124.85,359,2]];
shapeArrayz[9] = [[274.25,254.15,0] , [274.25,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.25,2] , [274.25,254.25,0] , [264.3,264.275,1] , [254.35,274.3,2] , [254.35,274.3,0] , [231.975,274.3,1] , [209.6,274.3,2] , [209.6,274.3,0] , [199.575,264.25,1] , [189.55,254.2,2] , [189.55,254.2,0] , [231.9,254.175,1] , [274.25,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[10] = [[104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,254.2,1] , [104.8,254.25,2] , [104.8,254.25,0] , [94.85,264.275,1] , [84.9,274.3,2] , [84.9,274.3,0] , [62.525,274.3,1] , [40.15,274.3,2] , [40.15,274.3,0] , [30.125,264.25,1] , [20.1,254.2,2] , [20.1,254.2,0] , [62.45,254.175,1] , [104.8,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[11] = [[189.6,169.5,0] , [199.625,159.475,1] , [209.65,149.45,2] , [209.65,149.45,0] , [232.025,149.45,1] , [254.4,149.45,2] , [254.4,149.45,0] , [254.4,149.475,1] , [254.4,149.5,2] , [254.4,149.5,0] , [264.325,159.475,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,169.5,1] , [274.25,169.55,2] , [189.6,169.5,0] , [231.925,169.525,1] , [274.25,169.55,2]];
shapeArrayz[12] = [[20.15,169.5,0] , [30.175,159.475,1] , [40.2,149.45,2] , [40.2,149.45,0] , [62.55,149.45,1] , [84.9,149.45,2] , [84.9,149.45,0] , [84.9,149.475,1] , [84.9,149.5,2] , [84.9,149.5,0] , [94.85,159.475,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.55,2] , [20.15,169.5,0] , [62.475,169.525,1] , [104.8,169.55,2]];

And if you need some help to convert this Array into a Flash generated shape ?
here is some code that could help you (AS3):

// draw the new extracted image
function drawArray (_arr:Array) {
	// trace ("drawArray ");
	var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); (1, 0x333333, 1); (0xcccccc); (_arr[0][0], _arr[0][1]); // starting point
	for (var i=1; i<=_arr.length; i+=3) { (_arr[i][0], _arr[i][1] , _arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
		// (_arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
	} ();
	this.drawContainer_mc.addChild (_shape);

// jumpstart everything
function init (){	
	for (var j=0; j<shapeArrayz.length; j++) {
		// trace(shapeArrayz[j])
		drawArray (shapeArrayz[j]);
init ();

have fun 🙂