I am investing way to much time in explaining my frequently used Firefox extensions collection. So to speed this list up, I will dump a group of extensions a once. It’s possible I wrote about it before, but who cares….
[mck] very useful if you need to set a signature or something else you often submit in a textfield.
Signature – Can be used to insert something in the address bar, on a text box on a web page.
update #1: I replaced signature with clippings because of it’s superior interface, management of clippings.
Clippings – Saves and manages frequently-entered text for pasting later. Text can be pasted from Clippings into forms and input fields without the hassle of retyping or repetitive copying and pasting. Perfect for forms, web mail, blog entries, wiki editing and forum posts.
[mck] spelling / translation tools.
Update #2: Spellbound has been integrated in Firefox 2.0, so only if you use a Firefox 1.5 or so you should use the Spellbound extension.
Spellbound – This allows you to spell check forms (e.g. message board posts, blog entries, wysiwyg, etc.) before submitting them. Download directly
RiteOfTongue – Right-click on a typed word inside a web form to check if the word is spelt correctly and get alternate suggestions if it is wrong.
Translate Page – Translate Page passes the current page to Google’s Translation Service and was made upon request to directly mimmick a feature of the Mozilla suite within Firefox.
ImTranslator – ImTranslator provides additional multilingual capabilities to Firefox for more efficient communication in foreign languages.
And some I haven’t tested enough to say something about: gTranslate, Translate and translator.
[mck] resize the textarea if your not using the “EditorMonkey” plugin.
update #3: Resizeable Textarea extension 0.1c can be used for Firefox 2.0
Resizeable Textarea extension 0.1bResizeable Textarea extension 0.1c (for Firefox 2.0) – A lot of forums and boards provide very smal textareas for new postings.
If you type a longer posting, you have to scroll up and down, to read, what you have writen and to proceed. Download Resizeable_Textarea 0.1c directly.
[mck] very usefull if you find descriptions you don’t know (example: polymath)
WikiPedia Lookup Extension (WLE) – Extension for the Firefox webbrowser which looksup the selected text in Wikipedia encyclopedia and presents the results.
[mck] handy for saving images into different folders.
Save image in folder – This extension helps you to quickly save images into different folders without having to click through your folder structure again and again.
[mck] take screenshots of webpages
Save As Image -Adds the ability to save a page, frame, or part of either as an image.
Pearl Crescent Page Saver – Lets you capture images of web pages in PNG format. The entire page or just the visible portion may be captured.
Screengrab – It saves webpages as images by scrolling around and stitching the result together. In particular it also will save just a frame as an image.
Happy blogging!
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[…] (FEBE) Update #6: Added Resizeable Textarea extension. Update #7: Added all extensions from Helpfull blog Firefox extensions and […]