I have mentioned before that a friend of mine made a Grumm.
But for some reason I never made a download link… So this is a post about that: and some reminder for this Grumm.
Symen Veenstra aka Enkeling is a very talented illustrator and a good friend. We both went to the same art academy where we both studied graphic design …. (he is now an illustrator and I’m a Flash developer/designer 🙂 )
He called this Grumm: Grummeling

The .ZIP file contains a .PDF
(You can use freeware like FilZip or 7zip to extract a .ZIP-file and read a .PDF with Acrobat or Foxit)
When I started with Grumm I thought it would be cool to see all sides of Grumm and see the complete design. So I made a rotation viewer. But because it’s a lot of work creating a rotation I stopped doing that. Symen is the last one I made one for.