I know that I haven’t been very active on my own blog, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been busy!
Sadly I can’t tell a lot about that….
I the meanwhile I made a Flickr gallery about Papertoy robots – part 1.

I hope you like it
I know that I haven’t been very active on my own blog, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been busy!
Sadly I can’t tell a lot about that….
I the meanwhile I made a Flickr gallery about Papertoy robots – part 1.
I hope you like it
A image that I made to promote Grumm and Son of a Grumm in particular on mySpace.
It seems to be working: the group of digital friends is slowly growing 😉
Read more in a previous post or about the Urban Papertoy book
Last year I was invited to joint a group of 24 of the most talented paper toy designers in the world. Matt Hawkins (you know him from his site Custom Paper Toys or his contributions to Paperforest) started a book which will be publish early 2009.
On the image you see the first half of the papertoys:
Just visit flickr and see the notes on the picture, so you see who made what….
My toy is the one with the gun: I call it Son of a Grumm.
When I have my own pictures of it, I will post it here