Custom Design Drukk

Drukks: the Pusher Series 1 – Dr. Bear

I’m one step closer filling the 6 slots for Pusher Series 1 (Designers on Drukks).

Scott Schaller is filling the 5th slot with his Dr. Bear
Dr. Bear by Scott Schaller

An awesome design. And I love the extras Scott designed for Dr. Bear, especial the brain case.. Always wanted a evil Doctor in my papertoys collection.

Of course is Scott and Nice paper toys member, you almost have to be πŸ˜‰ …

Some other nice-toβ€”know information: Scott is a Graphic Design Teacher, which isn’t that special: a lot of papertoy designers have a creative job or education. No, besides teaching Graphic Design, Scott is also in charge of an after school program: F studio.

As a design teacher, I often throw in a lot of hand skills oriented components to the projects I assign. The computer plays a big part in all of our projects, but the finishing of a project, whether it is binding a box or constructing a packaging comp, is the part that makes the project complete. Paper toy crafting just seems to be a natural next step, combining design and illustration, hand skills, and toy making.
we are making our own vinyl toys, including the design, sculpting, and casting of resign models

How cool it that!!! I’m trying to figure this stuff out in my spare time and here is a teacher who can teach you everything you ever wanted to know. Man I’m jealous.
Visit Cabrillo Design Lab for more info.

Check this out: Custom self portraits by students of Scott (and himself) based upon boxy from Shin Tanaka.
Boxy student self portraits
Scott himself
Scott Schaller

And way down here on the end of the post… Scott told me that one of his students is working on a Drukk and she wants to have the last slot in series 1. Please do, you can have the last slot. And when you have filled that last spot I will start on the Selfish Series 2. πŸ™‚
Custom Design Drukk Urban papercraft

New homepage for Drukk, Selfish Series and Pusher Series

For the more observed reader of my blog might have noticed a extra menu item: Drukk and as the title of this post suggest it’s the new home of Drukk, the Selfish Series and the Pusher Series.

So for my rss readers I have a little image:

New homepage for Drukk, Selfish Series and Pusher Series
New homepage for Drukk, Selfish Series and Pusher Series

On this page you can find two series…. one is the Selfish Series and the other is the Pusher Series.

The Selfish Series is designed by me, and they are created to show you what is possible with Drukk (it’s not only easy to create a custom-skin but also easy to customize!)
The Pusher Series (Designers on Drukks) is a slot-series….
???wtf is that???
Every Pusher Series has 6 slots, when all slots are filled I will start with a new Selfish Series and open the next Pusher Series.

Do you want to participate in Pusher Series 1, this is still possible: get the blank Drukk template and start designing.
Four slots are already filled by other designers: Marko Zubak with Robbox, Marshall Alexander with Nukk, Nick Knite (SIZZA) with Speed racurr and Scott Carrington aka Dr Shazam with Dead Drukk.

But if you’re not that creative this page is also for you! Both series can be download there, so happy building…

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – DrukkGrumm

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the last Drukk model in the Selfish Series: DrukkGrumm.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download DrukkGrumm:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the last model from a 4 models series.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
I love this model: nice colors, nice attitude. So if you just want to download 1 model, download this model

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – Speakurr

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the third Drukk model in the Selfish Series: Speakurr.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download Speakurr:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the third model in a series of four.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
I always wanted to do something with speakers… so here it is.

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – Burdd

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the second Drukk model in the Selfish Series: Burdd.

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download Burdd:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the second model from a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” that the skins that I create for myself or others are never cute! That’s correct! So now a cute little yellow bird πŸ˜‰

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series – DrukkChubby

The Selfish Series and the (designers) Pusher Series now have there own homepage!

Today I present the first Drukk model in the Selfish Series: DrukkChubby

Drukks: the Selfish Series

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata).

Download DrukkChubby:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Do you feel inspired by this model? Create your own Drukk, send it to me, and be part of the first “Pusher Series”.
Download the blank Drukk template:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

I have created 4 models to get you all inspired.
Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.
This is the first model in a series of 4.

All models from the first Selfish Series are released!
You can download them here:

and don’t forget: You can create a Drukk too! You can participate in the Pusher Series (just download the blank template and get busy).

On a more personal note.
My girl “complained” about the skins that I create for my own models and the customs that I create: and she is correct, my skins are never cute or lovely… So here my first cute design πŸ˜‰

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Drukks: the Selfish Series

A while back I mentioned that I was working on a new papertoy called Drukk

drukk: new papertoy by Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Drukk is a simple papertoy (easy to build, easy to customize) with moving parts (you could call it a paper automata). So if you are not in the mood to build/customize a more complex model like Grumm you should give Drukk a try.

I have been working on 4 models to get you all inspired to build and create new Drukks πŸ˜‰ .

Me, Myself And I

Every Wednesday, for 4 weeks long, I will post a new Drukk from the Selfish Series.

But today I’ll start this Selfish Series with a blank Drukk template (because every really good papertoy series has a blank version) which will be used in the “Pusher Series”:

(The .ZIP file contains a .PDF)

Special thx to some of the friendly people at nicePaperToys who gave me feedback about the build and the model itself.

Tomorrow more….